Vertical (Down-Stroke) Manual Tie Vertical Baler
Vertical Balers are usually considered the “first-stage” of recycling with balers. They can be used to bale numerous materials including cardboard, paper, textiles, cans, plastics, and non-ferrous metals. Out of all types of balers, verticals are the most economical, utilize minimal facility space, and are easy and safe to operate.
balers require an operator to load the material, cycle the ram, and tie off
bales. This is because they are manual tie balers and are loaded by hand.
Vertical balers also have a limit of three bales per hour. Vertical
balers are sized based on bale widths ranging from 30, 48, 60 to 72 inches
wide. Verticals have several-cylinder offerings spanning 6, 7, and 8-inch
Leading Manufacturers
Some of the leading manufacturers of the vertical baler include:
-International Baler Corp (IBC)
-Harmony Enterprises
-Bramidan Equipment
-Ace Equipment Company
-Marathon Equipment
-Harris (Selco) Equipment
-REI equipment
-Cram-A-Lot (JV Manufacturing)
Typical Down-Stroke Baler Customers
The vertical baler is mostly used by:
-Grocery Stores
-Distribution Centers
-Manufacturing Plants
-Small Recycling Operations
-Non-Ferrous Scrap Yards
-Institutions of higher learning
-Municipal Recycling Facilities
Installation of the Vertical Baler
Vertical balers are the easiest, quickest type of baler to install. You can choose to set it inside a facility or outdoors, for example, and once you have decided on the location of the installation, you can transport the baler using a truck, unload it, install it in the preferred position then anchor it. Make sure that there is enough ceiling height as they can take up a lot of vertical space.
Factors to consider when buying a vertical baler
Some of the factors you will need to consider when buying the vertical are:
-What type of materials are you baling?
-How much volume of material do you generate per hour or per day?
-How large is your material?
-Do you know the correct facility power requirements to handle the baler?
-Where will the baler be located, indoors or outdoors? (This is important to ensure you have the correct components: oil heater, oiler cooler, NEMA 4 weatherproofing)
-Do you have enough ceiling height? (You will need a ceiling height of at least 14 feet high)
The pros of the vertical baler
i) The vertical baler has the ability to handle a wide variety of material types.
ii) It is inexpensive and affordable even for small businesses that are just starting out.
iii) The baler is quite easy and safe to operate so it is easy to train a member of your staff to use it.
iv) It is very easy to quickly change the grades of the materials you are baling.
v) The baler doesn’t take up much space in your facilities. It can also be set up outside the facilities to save on space.
vi) It has the capacity to make dense, sellable bales.
vii) It is compliant with the requirements of both OSHA and ANSI.
The cons of the vertical baler
Despite its many benefits to a business, the vertical baler also has its cons that you should be aware of. Some of the cons include:
i) It is a manual baler and you, therefore, have to recruit an operator to oversee the loading, cycling and tying off of the bales.
ii) They are also very slow and can be quite time-consuming. They can only process a maximum of three bales per hour.
iii) If the volume of materials increases, you may be forced to budget for another baler as they have very limited growth potential.
iv) All the bales are produced in the same size, not allowing any room for diversification.
Tips to Consider When Buying the Vertical Baler
Here are some of the things you should consider as a buyer when purchasing a vertical baler.
i) Buy the vertical baler from local or nearby service companies that are qualified and licensed to sell the equipment.
ii) Ensure that the dealer has the authorization to sell and service the equipment. This makes it easier to get parts of the equipment whenever necessary.
iii) You should have enough space for the installation of the baler.
iv) You will also need storage facilities for the processed bales.
v) Find a buyer for the baled material beforehand to sell to as soon as the processing is complete so that you don’t stack up and consume a lot of space in your storage.
Safety Tips to Observe When Using the Vertical Baler
Safety is always paramount when using the vertical baler. Here are some safety tips to observe when using the vertical baler:
i) No control switch should be bypassed or disabled by the baler operator or any other employee. When the baler is in use, an operator should be present to oversee the process.
ii) Conduct periodic inspection and maintenance services on the baler.
iii) Observe the manufacturer’s specifications when it comes to installing and operating the baler. Any maintenance done on the baler should also follow the specifications, whether or not the warranty is active.
iv) Train all workers, whether or not they will be handling the baler, on how to watch out for common baler hazard signs. They should also know how to respond to emergency situations. A standard operating procedure should be established and observed.
v) Ensure that all the emergency stop devices on the baler are fully functional every time before operating the equipment.
vi) Don’t let any minors handle the equipment. Workers below the age of 18 should not be allowed to oversee the operation of the equipment.
vii) In the event of any machine breakdown, licensed vendors should be called to check and carry out any maintenance needed. No employee should be allowed to carry out repairs no matter how minor they seem. Power should always be disconnected before any maintenance or repairs on the machine begin.
vii) The area around the baler should always be kept clean. No pieces of waste or debris should be left lying around. They can make people trip and cause accidents.